Each morning, Jon and I walk onto Baner Road, one of Pune’s major thoroughfares, and begin a search for an autorickshaw to take us to work some five kilometers away in central Pune. Sometimes we’re lucky and the driver will automatically switch on the meter and take us to Senapati Bhapat Rd, our destination. When […]

This past week, Jon and I have been playing soccer after work with the neighborhood kids around the office. We play in the middle of a narrow street, bounded on one side by a middle class housing society, replete with Victorian-style street lamps on a stone wall that separates the society from the street. A […]

Gujarat, a northwestern state bordering Pakistan, is a delightful place, replete with a fabled history that has produced some of the greatest figures of Indian history, crowned of course by the father of the nation, the Gujarati native Mahatma Gandhi. It is a diverse state, with one of India’s largest Muslim populations, and its inhabitants […]

Running a bit behind schedule, but posting nonetheless, greetings to you CASI! My name is Alex Polyak, and I am a rising junior at Penn studying South Asia studies. Now I am still in the process of studying South Asia, but I am doing it from the subcontinent itself! I got interested in Indian history […]