The road I’ve traveled in the last 3 weeks since leaving India has been long and yet very short. The 16 hour flight from Delhi to New York felt unbearably long, but considering how many miles and time zones I traversed, it was hardly anything. I arrived home exhausted to the point of deliriousness, but […]

I can’t believe it’s my last blog post in India. I think I’ve been avoiding writing this one. I hate summing things up. (so I should lead by promising that this doesn’t cover a tenth of what I really have to say about this summer). And even more than summing things up – I hate […]

Now that we’ve spent (I can hardly believe it) over seven weeks in India, things that once seemed strange and challenging have become second nature. We’ve settled into our workday routine in Yamuna Nagar, waking up early (for college students) and not minding the endless stares and constant stream of car honks as we walk […]

Every day here presents new challenges and adventures. We’re generally greeted with at least one surprise or new experience each day. This past week we headed out with our high school Propeller students for an Outbound Session – essentially a field trip. Because the program is very focused on orientating the students towards their careers, […]

I think one of the most challenging aspects of the work we’re doing at LEAP is that we don’t always see the impact of our work. For those who don’t remember, the four of us in Yamuna Nagar are interning at LEAP Skills Academy, an education start up that focuses on skill development: basically giving […]

After two weeks of hard work in Yamuna Nagar, we spent this last weekend on a jam packed trip to Dharamsala, a city located high up in the Himalayas. It’s about a 7 hour drive away, so we decided to leave around 4 a.m. Friday morning, in the hopes of exploiting our time off as […]

It’s hard to believe we’ve been in Delhi for almost a week now. The days have been a blur of sweat, food, and lots of bargaining. Although we haven’t even done a huge amount of sightseeing, it feels like we’re starting to get a feel for the rhythm and (sort of) geography of the city. […]

Hi Everyone! I’m Leora Mincer and I just finished my sophomore year at Penn, majoring in History and English. I’m originally from New York City, and I’m going to be spending the summer at LEAP Skills Academy, an education start up based in New Delhi that is focused on helping students develop the necessary skills […]